Our history
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An online history of Upper Stratton Baptist Church

from 1861 to the present day

A PDF ebook version of our special 150th Anniversary book, which records our history from 1861 - 2012 is available online now from www.lulu.com/spotlight/usbcswindon for just £4.99

Upper Stratton village was, for many years, a separate community. With the expansion of the former railway town of Swindon into a large, modern town, Upper Stratton has become absorbed into the larger town but retains its' distinctive sense of community too. Upper Stratton Baptist Church has served the community since 1861 as a place of worship, a meeting place and centre of many community activities.

We are proud to have served God and the community in this way and believe we will continue to form an essential focus for the community for future generations.


Prior to the opening of the chapel in Green Lane (later to become Green Road) there was no school and just one small church (Primitive Methodist) in the village of Upper Stratton near Swindon.

In 1860, Henry Tucker Esq. of Bourton House, Berkshire, became the owner of a large part of Upper Stratton village. As a Christian, he decided to take action to benefit the community and glorify God. So he made plans to build the Chapel to serve the community as a Day School and Free Church. The foundation stone was laid in 1861 and the Church began life in 1862.

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