MakeLunch at USBC is a project providing free food and fun for local families, during school holidays. We publish details through our dedicated Facebook page and osometimes include YouTube videos with recipes and cooking instructions - please sign up to our mailing lists and follow us on Facebook to ensure you receive the latest updates
Booking is essential. To book your place email or contact us via our Facebook page. stating the number of adults and children who will be coming. Activities, hot lunch and kitchen store open to families
Dear Make Lunch family
As you may know Lynda, our Project Lead, is moving to Plymouth in the next few weeks but we are delighted the rest of the team are to continue delivering and growing our wonderful Make Lunch setting in the future.
As a family connected to Make Lunch, you are invited to our church service to celebrate all the great things that Make Lunch has been able to do so far and to support the new team going forward.
This service will take place at
Upper Stratton Baptist Church on SUNDAY 26TH MAY at 10.30am.
Lynda will be leading the service and Matthew Cullis from Make Lunch HQ will be joining us. The service will be no longer than 90 minutes, there will be activities for the children to join in with and refreshments after the service. It would be wonderful to see our families for this special occasion. If you require any further details, please email us at
The next Make Lunch session will be on
11.15 – 1.30
As this will be Lynda’s last lunch, it’s a Roast Dinner…!! All the usual fun, crafts and activities, and the kitchen store will be open. We hope to see you there, but please book in here to let us know you are coming.
Looking forward to seeing you soon